Ecrits Blogophilia Week 50.14 – Stormy Weather Ahead

Hard Bonus: Use an onomatopoeia (a word that sounds like the noise it describes)

Easy Bonus: Incorporate the word plague

The sea and the sky went to war that cold day in September.  The heavens loosed its anger on the sea and the sea responded with raging waves that brutally tore at the coast line.  Thor roared his displeasure at the sea and threw bolts of lightning down to subdue it.  Ran, Goddess of the sea ignored the anger of the storm god and laughed as she let loose her temper in the waves that frothed and soared ever higher.

They raged at each other throughout the day.  Sol hid behind the clouds that day and refused to show her face no matter how much the earth pleaded.

The battle amongst the gods raged throughout the night, neither god willing to give in to the other.  The wind responded by tearing itself across the land with insane glee.  Njord set his power across the sands in random gusts that toppled trees and downed power lines.  Thor was too busy to notice the horrific damage done to the earth.   The people of the earth cried out in despair to Sol to show her face and put an end to this plague of destruction.

Sol finally took note of the ravaged earth and took pity on the beings below. She burst forward in all her stunning glory. Thor was blinded and ceased his havoc against the sea. Ran, her fury exhausted let loose her reign on the sea as Njord set free one final gust that blew the storm from the sky.

Sol smiled as she rode majestically across the clear blue sky.

6 thoughts on “THE STORM”

  1. Love this!❤️ In the end, we all had to say, “Sol, what took you so long to lay down the law?
    On a person note, the next hammock I buy will have an umbrella built in.


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